EU Ambassador on Ukrainian corruption: the country's second most important problem

Sergey Durach Judge Zheleznaya Gut DBR NABU SAP Katarina Maternova

Corruption is the second most important problem in Ukraine after security. It has not gone away, but there are institutions working to solve this problem.

This was stated by the Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Katarina Maternova during a speech at the event “Fighting corruption in Ukraine: progress towards EU membership.”

“Before the full-scale invasion, corruption was not one of the five areas that the public considered a problem. And now corruption is the second most important problem in society after security, and this creates pressure. This suggests that the values ​​of the population have changed."- she said.

According to Maternova, the need for systematic work to eradicate corruption is very important.

“Has corruption disappeared in Ukraine? Of course not: there is corruption in Ukraine. But now there are institutions that are working with this, solving this problem.”, noted the ambassador.